Baby Girl and her brother | Hills Newborn Photographer

This beautiful baby girl was already a couple of weeks old when I photographed her. I speak about "older newborns" often on my blog. I do get older newborns book in from time to time. The first thing I do is book in as soon as possible. Due to time constraints, we decided to do this session in two parts; the first part was this precious baby girl on her own and the second part was with her family. I am so glad we chose this, as the newborn session was quite long. When baby is a few weeks old, they already get used to being left alone to sleep and they may not move from pose to pose so easily. The plus side is that we often get more awake shots from these sessions, which are just divine. However, with patience I always get the images I need. This is one beautiful family, as you will see. Baby girl has the milkiest, smoothest skin. I could run my finger over her cheek all day long. And when I met her 2 year old brother, I longed for those days when my children were little. He is so happy, curious and full of smiles.

We had a lovely session and I am sure you will agree, they are so very, very cute!

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Sydney newborn photographer, hills baby photography, western sydney family photographer


Sydney newborn photographer, hills baby photography, western sydney family photographer


Sydney newborn photographer, hills baby photography, western sydney family photographer


Sydney newborn photographer, hills baby photography, western sydney family photographer


Sydney newborn photographer, hills baby photography, western sydney family photographer


Sydney newborn photographer, hills baby photography, western sydney family photographer


Sydney newborn photographer, hills baby photography, western sydney family photographer


Sydney newborn photographer, hills baby photography, western sydney family photographer

Sydney newborn photographer, hills baby photography, western sydney family photographer

Sydney newborn photographer, hills baby photography, western sydney family photographer