Sunset Silhouette Images | Sydney Photographer

I get lost a lot. If you are a client of mine, you probably know this. To break the ice, a lot of clients ask me "did you find us ok". I am honest and tell people that I got lost. This used to frustrate me, because I pride myself on being reasonably intelligent. Yet, when it comes to reading a map, I simply can't. I was excited when satnav systems were invented, because surely that would fix my problem, right? Wrong. I still get lost. The satnav will give out instructions, I will get confused "does she mean this road, or the next one", and then I will miss the turn. Or I argue with her, because she is asking me to turn right at the no right turn and then repeatedly tells me to "do a U turn".

I have learnt to accept this personality flaw. You can't be great at everything, right?

Well, one day, this personality flaw served me well. I was coming home from a photoshoot and I got lost. Suddenly, I was driving past the most amazing location. It had everything, water, trees for directional light, footpaths, a mini beach and then, I saw the most amazing hill facing west. All I could imagine was the glorious sunset that you would see there and then I had a vision of a silhouette of a family against the sunset.

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and we were going out for a dinner celebration for my beautiful son, who was turning 8. It was about 5 minutes from this magical hill, so I grabbed the camera bag just in case.

The sun was setting just as we left the restaurant, so we drove to the hill. The conditions were perfect! This was such a fun session. It took 8 minutes in total and the boys had a really good time. One thing I love and was surprised with, is that their personalities shine right through in these images, even though you can't see the expression.

Never have I felt happier with my inability to follow directions.

I hope you enjoy these and I hope to shoot there again soon.

Sunet silhouette photo

Sunet silhouette photo

Sunet silhouette photo

The birthday boy!

Sunet silhouette photo

Sunet silhouette photo

My husband, the biggest kid of all!

Sunet silhouette photo